Grid 10x10 feet (17)
Schools (1)
City & Neighbourhood Facilities (0)
Arts & Culture Facilities (OCP) (2)
| Community Centres |
| Educational and Learning Institutions |
| Galleries and Museums |
| Performance Space - Indoor Venue |
| Performance Space - Outdoor Venue |
Public Art (16)
BusinessDirectoryPoints (3)
BusinessDirectoryPolygons (4)
Capital and Construction Projects (5)
| Active Transportation |
| Bridges |
| Complete Streets |
| Environmental Remediation |
| Equipment |
| Facilities |
| Neighbourhoods |
| Parks |
| Police |
| Retaining Walls and Railings |
| Safety |
| Sanitary Sewers |
| Special Event |
| Stormwater |
| Street Infrastructure |
| Structures |
| Waterworks |
(DRAFT) Capital and Construction Projects (6)
| Active Transportation |
| Bridges |
| Complete Streets |
| Environmental Remediation |
| Equipment |
| Facilities |
| Neighbourhoods |
| Parks |
| Police |
| Retaining Walls and Railings |
| Safety |
| Sanitary Sewers |
| Special Event |
| Stormwater |
| Street Infrastructure |
| Structures |
| Waterworks |
City Boundary (OV) (8)
Key Streets (OV) (9)
Roads (OV) (10)
Water (OV) (11)
Parks and Open Space (OV) (12)
Block Outlines (OV) (13)
Background (OV) (14)